AI - ChatGPT3 and you
What do we fear or have more philosophers debated over 'AI will take human jobs'? But it is worse than that.
There is no world of AI. I think we should fear fictional writers more than scientific discoveries.
What do we fear or have more philosophers debated over “AI will take human jobs”? But it is worse than that. According to a study it was found that AI will first take the very mundane tasks - like picking and delivering groceries, store manager AI, movies directed by AI, music created by AI, and acting by AI. But the true story is far from that. According to an estimate, AI will take 87 million people’s jobs by 2030 and create 93 million jobs for people. So Fear of an artificially intelligent machine should not be the number one concern. Human beings will evolve more with the use of AI.
Body part regeneration (like in the case of lizards)
Prevention from climate change
0 cancer patients
I heard this in a podcast of Neil deGrasse Tyson (American physicist) on Joe Rogan’s podcast. I feel that we should be way ahead of what we are in the technological revolution but we are progressing very slowly. Chat-GPT3 should not be of surprise to you in 2022. Because more discoveries took place in the 20th century. We in the 21st are progressing very slowly and that is why India is going to suffer because of climate change.
How would we thrive in the AI world?
First of all AI world - what is this? There is no world of AI. I think we should fear fictional writers more than scientific discoveries. The world is ours and will remain ours. AI is just a scientific revolution that according to me would complete somewhere near 2050. Things that are of huge concern are the equations Srinivasa Ramunjan left and we still aren’t able to crack why/how do they work.
Today depression is the number one cause of suffering according to the world health organization (WHO). And why is that? Because of facilities, we are getting used to them. Moore predicted that chip size will go small and smaller and cheaper than ever. But as the chip size is getting smaller, more facilities human beings are getting accustomed to are growing at the same rate. Can you remain for one hour without WiFi? If not then why it is not bothering you that some external object is more precious to you than your well-being?
No Internet Day
I feel we should have a world’s no internet day. If they can form no shave November then why we don’t propose “A day without internet”. No Internet Day. And we should celebrate that by going out and leaving smartphones in home.
Now, I suppose it’s about time I should put down my pen.
Under: #life , #software , #ai